
Recovery default base indexes

If you lost or damage following index:

    |Index name		 | Index ID              |
    | .security      |Pfq6nNXOSSmGhqd2fcxFNg |
    | .taskmanagement|E2Pwp4xxTkSc0gDhsE-vvQ |
    | alert_status   |fkqks4J1QnuqiqYmOFLpsQ |
    | audit          |cSQkDUdiSACo9WlTpc1zrw |
    | alert_error    |9jGh2ZNDRumU0NsB3jtDhA |
    | alert_past     |1UyTN1CPTpqm8eDgG9AYnw |
    | .trustedhost   |AKKfcpsATj6M4B_4VD5vIA |
    | .kibana        |cmN5W7ovQpW5kfaQ1xqf2g |
    | .scheduler_job |9G6EEX9CSEWYfoekNcOEMQ |
    | .authconfig    |2M01Phg2T-q-rEb2rbfoVg |
    | .auth          |ypPGuDrFRu-_ep-iYkgepQ |
    | .reportscheduler|mGroDs-bQyaucfY3-smDpg |
    | .authuser      |zXotLpfeRnuzOYkTJpsTaw |
    | alert_silence  |ARTo7ZwdRL67Khw_HAIkmw |
    | .elastfilter   |TtpZrPnrRGWQlWGkTOETzw |
    | alert          |RE6EM4FfR2WTn-JsZIvm5Q |
    | .alertrules    |SzV22qrORHyY9E4kGPQOtg |

You may to recover it from default installation folder with following steps:

  1. Stop Logstash instances which load data into cluster

     systemctl stop logstash
  2. Disable shard allocation

     PUT _cluster/settings
       "persistent": {
         "cluster.routing.allocation.enable": "none"
  3. Stop indexing and perform a synced flush

     POST _flush/synced
  4. Shutdown all nodes:

     systemctl stop elasticsearch.service
  5. Copy appropriate index folder from installation folder to Elasticsearch cluster data node folder (example of .auth folder)

     cp -rf ypPGuDrFRu-_ep-iYkgepQ /var/lib/elasticsearch/nodes/0/indices/
  6. Set appropriate permission

     chown -R elasticsearch:elasticsearch /var/lib/elasticsearch/
  7. Start all Elasticsearch instance

     systemctl start elasticsearch
  8. Wait for yellow state of Elasticsearch cluster and then enable shard allocation

     PUT _cluster/settings
       "persistent": {
         "cluster.routing.allocation.enable": "all"
  9. Wait for green state of Elasticsearch cluster and then start the Logstash instances

     systemctl start logstash